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Collaborative School Committee (CSC)

NameCSC Position
Marti RosenbergStaff Member – Principal
Haruka FushimiParent Member
Kai HarrisParent Member
Adam WalkerParent Member
Chad Rendon-ThofsonParent Member
Tracy WhiteParent Member
Andreas SchmidStaff Member
Adrienne HayesStaff Member
Lexi Higgins Staff Member
Melissa NawrockiCommunity Member


Contact Us

The CSC welcomes your suggestions, questions, and concerns please email


Meetings Minutes

The CSC usually meets on the second Tuesday of each month during the school year from 5:00-6:00 p.m., in room 212. Parents and staff are welcome to attend all meetings.

To increase school community involvement with the CSC, we have an open discussion period during each meeting. If you have an item you feel needs to be added to the meeting agenda, please contact Marti Rosenberg at least a week prior to the scheduled meeting, to discuss and give us time to manage the agenda.

CSC Mission

Our mission is to create an environment for our community in which the educational, social, and emotional needs of all Steele students are successfully served. This is accomplished by being proactive in anticipating these needs and creating solutions. We work together to provide for the short- and long-term direction and are an accountability group for our school.

Based on this charge, the CSC role is accountability focused on the following areas:

The CSC duties include:

  1. Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) (Achievement Data, Goal Setting, Strategies, and Implementation) UIP Documents
  2. Staffing Allocations – Assist the principal by making recommendations concerning the use of the staffing allocations provided to the school by the Board of Education
  3. Annual School Budget – Reviewing and approving the annual school budget according to district guidelines that supports the objectives of the UIP
  4. Calendar and/or Schedule – Making recommendations related to achieving school goals
  5. Academic Issues (including related policies and procedures) – Gather input from Steele parents, teachers, and community members and discuss and make recommendations on academic issues as appropriate

The CSC will not:

  1. Participate in the day-to-day operations of the school.
  2. Be involved in issues relating to individuals (staff, students, or parents) within the school.
  3. Be involved in personnel issues (School Personnel Committee will stand alone in the current DPS/DCTA contract).

Specific Details on the CSC duties and responsibilities are outlined in the following documents:

CSC Make-up and Selection Process

The CSC is an elected school-based advisory board at Steele Elementary School. Members of the CSC serve a 2-year term and include the principal, 3 Teachers, 5Parents, and a Business/Community Representative.

Elections for Parent and Teacher positions are held each year with two positions in each group being elected. This ensures that there will be at least two members from these groups with a previous years’ experience to ensure continuity on the committee.